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  • IMO STCW International Convention
  • ISPS Code - Parts A and B
  • IMO resolution MSC.203(81)
  • MSC resolution 209(81)
  • STCW Convention and Code Reg. VI/5
  • IMO Model Course 3.19: Ship Security Officer
  • Document no. 6 of the Italian National Maritime Security Program


The course is mandatory for mariners aiming to perform the duty of Ship Security Officer on board vessels which apply the ISPS Code Parts A and B.


The course can be attended by:
  • mariners who have been navigating at least 12 months on a vessel which has complied with the ISPS Code.
  • or:
  • mariners who have been navigating at least 3 months acquiring the knowledge related to security onboard operation. In such case a declaration issued by the Company Security Officer is mandatory.


The course, in compliance with Document no. 6 of the Italian National Maritime Security Program issued by the Interministerial Committee for Maritime Security (CISM) aims to provide adequate knowledge on the contents of the ISPS Code related to the Security Officer's duties, as defined in section A/12.2 of the ISPS Code and in section A-VI/5 of the STCW Code, while emphasizing the following points:
  • Perform routine security inspections on board the vessel in order to verify that security measures are always met;
  • Guarantee that the security plan on board is complied with, including any modifications to the plan;
  • Coordinate all aspects related to cargo handling security and ship's stores with other shipboard personnel and with the relevant Port Facility Security Officers;
  • Propose modifications to ship security plan;
  • Inform the Company Security Officer about any anomalies and non conformities detected during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections, conformity inspections and implement any corrective actions;
  • Heighten awareness and increase vigilance as regards security on board;
  • Make sure that personnel on board have received adequate security training;
  • Report all security incidents;
  • Coordinate the implementation of the ship security plan with the Company Security Officer and the relevant Port Facility Security Officer;
  • Ensure that any security equipment on board is properly used, tested, calibrated and maintained.


The course lasts 16 hours


The course is held at Ente Radar - VIA ODERICO 10, GENOVA
For more details and availability, please contact the administration office of Ente Radar (tel. + 39 010 0982950, fax + 39 010 3705599, e-mail: contacts

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certificazione ©2009-2020 Ente Radar Genova

Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy SRL
Via Oderico 10 − 16145 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0982950 - +39 010 3622472 − Fax +39 010 3705599
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 02179120999

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