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At the beginning of the 'sixties', the use of radar control equipment on board Italian cargo vessels was becoming very common, but only the Navy training centers could offer adequate training to officers and operators. Nautical high schools could only offer basic knowledge of kinematics and the first rudiments of the radar equipment of the time. To cover this lack, in November 1962 the Italian Institute of Navigation, the Municipality of Genoa, the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, and the International Fair of Genoa founded Ente Radar, dedicating it to the memory of Guglielmo Marconi. As a non-profit organization, Ente Radar G.Marconi has ever since played a role of public utility for the safety of navigation and for the safeguard of human life at sea.

Over the years, the G. Marconi Institute has expanded its training activities by responding to the continuous evolving market needs typical of the reference sector, and as such it has operated from the conformation adopted in 2013 by the RADAR OBSERVATORS TRAINING ENTITY , A Limited Liability Consortium Company and continues to operate in the new conformation adopted in 2022 by ENTE RADAR - ITALIAN SHIPPING ACADEMY, a Limited Liability Company.

certificazione ©2009-2020 Ente Radar Genova

Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy SRL
Via Oderico 10 − 16145 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0982950 - +39 010 3622472 − Fax +39 010 3705599
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 02179120999

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